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Hamilton County School District

Rise to Excellence


Did you know that school attendance is the leading indicator of your child’s lifelong success?

Welcome to the Hamilton County School District!

Every day counts! At the Hamilton County School District, we care that every student shows up to school, all day, every day. We are committed to working with families to ensure that every student attends school regularly in order to achieve their full potential. By prioritizing attendance and providing families with valuable resources, we can create a brighter future for all of our students.

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Contact Information

Chris Combass
Director of Teaching and Learning


Florida School Report Cards

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015), requires every state and district to publish report cards that show how the state, district, and schools are doing with regard to student achievement and success. Florida School Report Cards are now available for review.  You may click on the link provided to obtain a copy of the state, district, and school reports. If you need additional information concerning Florida’s School Report Cards, please contact your school’s principal or the district office at 386.792.7800.

La Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de 1965, modificada por la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA, 2015), requiere que todos los estados y distritos publiquen boletas de calificaciones que muestren cómo les está yendo al estado, al distrito y a las escuelas con respecto al rendimiento y el éxito de los estudiantes. Los Boletines de Calificaciones de las Escuelas de Florida ya están disponibles para su revisión.  Puede hacer clic en el enlace proporcionado para obtener una copia de los informes del estado, el distrito y la escuela. Si necesita información adicional sobre los boletines de calificaciones escolares de Florida, comuníquese con el director de su escuela o con la oficina del distrito al 386.792.7800.

Hamilton County School District's Commitment

Why Attendance Matters

Academic Achievement


Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve academic success, graduate on time, and pursue higher education opportunities.

Social and Emotional Development


School provides a supportive environment where students can develop social skills, build friendships, and enhance their emotional well-being.

Future Success


Regular attendance instills valuable habits such as punctuality, responsibility, and commitment, which are essential for success in life.

Attendance Tips

Communicate with the school: If your child experiences challenges that affect their attendance, please reach out to the school for support and resources. We are your partner and here to help you however we can. 


Encourage a love of learning: Foster a positive attitude towards school and learning by engaging in educational activities with your child at home.  If there are areas where your child’s school or academic experience can improve, we encourage you to speak with your school principal or educator. 

Establish a consistent routine: Ensure your child gets enough sleep, eats a healthy breakfast, and has ample time to prepare for school each morning.  If you need help with providing meals for your child or are in need of transportation, please contact your child’s principal. 


Schedule appointments outside of school hours: Whenever possible, schedule doctor's appointments, dental check-ups, and other appointments during non-school hours.  Even missing a half day of school for an appointment can be disruptive to your child’s academic experience. 

Important Documents and Forms

  • It is important that you review the updated student code of conduct.

    2024-2025 Code of Student Conduct Revised 10/8/24

    2024-2025 Code of Student Conduct – Spanish


    • Volunteers are needed to assist our schools and departments in a variety of areas. We appreciate the willingness of individuals to provide assistance when it is requested.
    • All volunteers are required to adhere to School Board Policy 3.13, which addresses the responsibilities of school volunteers. Volunteers are to be on campus only when the administrator or a member of the instructional staff assigns them duties. In addition, volunteers are required to sign in/out when they are serving at the schools. The policy can be accessed by visiting our School Board page.
    • Submit the Volunteer Application and the Request for State of Florida Law Enforcement Record Review directly to the Federal Programs office. Upon completion of processing, the information will be forwarded for the School Board's consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Note that the application and record review expire on June 30 each year. If you need additional information or have any questions regarding the volunteer program or the application process, please contact the Federal Programs office at 792-7808.
    • The school district is authorized to collect, use, or release social security numbers of volunteers for specific purposes. See the school district's Statement on the Collection, Use, or Release of Social Security Numbers of Volunteers for details.


  • ReadingPals is a statewide early literacy initiative that provides volunteer mentors for kindergarten students who may need extra help, utilizing one-on-one or small group settings. ReadingPals offers volunteers an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with young children in Florida, while helping them improve their social-emotional development and early literacy skills.  Click here for more details.

  • Contact Mrs. Peggy Hasty at 386-792-7807 for additional information.

    Intent to Home School Form

  • Attention Stakeholders!  On March 27, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law House Bill (HB) 1, which expands available school choice options for all students in Florida. As of the 2023-24 school year, the bill eliminates financial eligibility restrictions and the current enrollment cap for the Family Empowerment Scholarship Educational Options. HB 1 also increases the annual scholarship cap growth for the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities from one percent to three percent annually to address high demand and wait lists.  Please review the link below for more information.  Additional assistance can be provided at the Hamilton County School District Office by contacting or by phone at 386-792-7814.  Thank you for your time!  

    School Choice


  • Please review the following documents regarding parent choice and the challenging of materials.  Additional information can be found on our Instructional Materials Page.  

    Challenging Instructional Materials Flow Chart

    Policy 4.12

    Policy 4.13

    Parent Choice of Media Center Materials Form

    Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Form

    Reconsideration of Library Media Form


We believe that strong partnerships between families and schools are essential for ensuring student success. By working together, we can create a culture where every student feels motivated and supported to attend school every day.