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Hamilton County School District

Rise to Excellence

School Safety & Mental Health

School Safety & Youth Mental Health Contact Information

Marjorie Cooks

Coordinator of Safety & Mental Health

5686 US Hwy 129 S, Suite 1 Jasper, FL 32052  Tel:  386-792-7813 


School-Based Counseling Service Request Forms

Attention Parents & Guardians! 
If you need to request counseling services for your child, Hamilton County School District Counseling Services Referral Form

 Attention Faculty & Staff! 
If you need to request counseling services for a student: Form

HCES Parents, Guardians, & Students Contact Mrs. Amber Newsome for more info:

  • 386-792-8001

HCHS Parents, Guardians, & Students Contact Mrs. Maria Marrero for more info:





FortifyFL Anonymous Reporting Tool

It is important to remember that if you See Something, Say Something.  With FortifyFL, you can easily submit information about potential crimes or threats which will immediately be forwarded to our law enforcement & designated school personnel.  Download the FortifyFl App on your mobile device today or go to 

Suspicious Activity Reporting App 

Someone who knowingly submits a false tip through FortifyFL may be subject to further investigation by law enforcement, and may be subject to criminal penalties under Section 837.05, F.S.

FortifyFL Suspicious Reporting

FortifyFL Ad                     FortifyFL Ad 2

Say Something Resources

How To Report Bullying

How To Report Bullying

1. Contact Your School Site Immediately

  • HCES:  386-792-8000
  • HCHS:  386-792-8100

2. Complete the Reporting Form Below  Online Bullying & Harassment Form



Youth Mental Health Website

Youth Mental Health First Aid

YMHFA Initial Training COMPLETE!

YMHFA Group 1


Click here to immediately report suspected cases of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation of children or vulnerable adults.

First Responder Recognition Lunch Program